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时间:2013-04-19 17:01:41  作者:网站编辑  来源:39健康网
近日,研究人员使用microRNA已经能将疤痕组织转换成再生的心脏肌肉,相关研究论文发表在Circulation Research杂志上。

  近日,研究人员使用microRNA已经能将疤痕组织转换成再生的心脏肌肉,相关研究论文发表在Circulation Research杂志上。


  研究人员已经尝试了各种方法包括利用干细胞来再生受损的心脏肌肉组织,达勒姆市杜克大学医学中心的医学教授Victor J. Dzau医师表示:这是第一次使用microRNA将成纤维细胞重编进入心脏肌肉内。我们不仅证实细胞培养方法能再生组织,同时也在老鼠身上得到验证。

  Dzau说:使用microRNA比许多组织再生的其他方法更简单。他说例如干细胞不太容易开张研究工作,因为这涉及到伦理问题。 这项研究克服干细胞再生医学研究遇到的困难,可用于组织损伤如中风和脊髓损伤等疾病。



    MicroRNA-Mediated In Vitro and In Vivo Direct Reprogramming of Cardiac Fibroblasts to Cardiomyocytes

Tilanthi M. Jayawardena, Bakytbek Egemnazarov, Elizabeth A. Finch, Lunan Zhang, J. Alan Payne, Kumar Pandya, et al.

 Rationale: Repopulation of the injured heart with new, functional cardiomyocytes remains a daunting challenge for cardiac regenerative medicine. An ideal therapeutic approach would involve an effective method at achieving direct conversion of injured areas to functional tissue in situ.

 Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a strategy that identified and evaluated the potential of specific micro (mi)RNAs capable of inducing reprogramming of cardiac fibroblasts directly to cardiomyocytes in vitro and in vivo.

 Methods and Results: Using a combinatorial strategy, we identified a combination of miRNAs 1, 133, 208, and 499 capable of inducing direct cellular reprogramming of fibroblasts to cardiomyocyte-like cells in vitro. Detailed studies of the reprogrammed cells demonstrated that a single transient transfection of the miRNAs can direct a switch in cell fate as documented by expression of mature cardiomyocyte markers, sarcomeric organization, and exhibition of spontaneous calcium flux characteristic of a cardiomyocyte-like phenotype. Interestingly, we also found that miRNA-mediated reprogramming was enhanced 10-fold on JAK inhibitor I treatment. Importantly, administration of miRNAs into ischemic mouse myocardium resulted in evidence of direct conversion of cardiac fibroblasts to cardiomyocytes in situ. Genetic tracing analysis using Fsp1Cre-traced fibroblasts from both cardiac and noncardiac cell sources strongly suggests that induced cells are most likely of fibroblastic origin.

 Conclusions: The findings from this study provide proof-of-concept that miRNAs have the capability of directly converting fibroblasts to a cardiomyocyte-like phenotype in vitro. Also of significance is that this is the first report of direct cardiac reprogramming in vivo. Our approach may have broad and important implications for therapeutic tissue regeneration in general.

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