您的位置是:论文中心 -> 泌尿外科 -> 脱细胞异体真皮基质医用组织补片在阴茎增粗成形中的应用
发布时间:2018-08-28 13:19:54 来源:知网 浏览次数:1564 
关键词: 脱细胞异体真皮基质;阴茎短小综合症;阴茎增粗成形术
作者: 李战松
作者单位: 北京曙光医院泌尿男科


目的 探讨脱细胞异体真皮基质医用组织补片移植治疗阴茎短小综合症的可行性,观察阴茎增粗成形术的临床效果。

方法 采用脱细胞异体真皮基质医用组织补片“C”状移植于阴茎体背侧BUCK筋膜与白膜之间,治疗阴茎短小综合症10例,术中同时行阴茎悬韧带松解及阴茎背深静脉结扎。

结果 9例恢复良好,阴茎自然状态下平均延长3.0~5.0cm,周径平均增加2.0~3.0cm,患者对阴茎增粗效果均表满意;仅1例因组织补片自溶导致手术失败。

结论 脱细胞异体真皮基质医用组织补片移植用于阴茎增粗成形,治疗阴茎短小综合症,方法安全可行,临床效果满意。

关键词 脱细胞异体真皮基质;阴茎短小综合症;阴茎增粗成形术

AbstractObjectives: To explore the use of acellular dermal matrix medical tissue patch in the penis augmentation operation for the treatment of small and short penis. Method: We treated ten cases of small and short penis by acellular dermal matrix medical tissue patch. It was transplanted between BUCK fascia and albuginea in the dorsal penis,forming a shape of “C”. Suspensory ligament of penis was relaxed and ligation of deep dorsal penile vein was conducted during the operation. Results: Nine patients reported good recovery. Extension of penis in its natural state averaged 3. 0 ?5. 0cm,and circumference increased by an average 2. 0 ?3. 0cm. Patients were satisfied penis augmentation effect. Only one operation failed as a result of tissue patch autolysis. Conclusion: It is safe? practical and satisfying to use acellular dermal matrix medical tissue patch in the penis augmentation operation for the treatment of small and short penis.

Key wordsAcellular dermal matrix; Small and short penis; Penis augmentation operation

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