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发布时间:2018-08-28 10:31:47 来源:知网 浏览次数:1480 
关键词: 脱细胞异体真皮移植术;眼部;凹陷畸形;修复
作者: 胡定琴 范先群
作者单位: 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院眼科




结果:全部患者眼部凹陷畸形得到了不同程度的矫正,充填后丰满平坦,双侧对称者占7 例;凹陷术后较丰满、双侧基本对称者占2例;凹陷较丰满、双侧轻度不对称者占1例。无1例出现坏死、排斥、感染与并发症,效果满意。结论J-1型脱细胞异体真皮移植对眼部凹陷畸形的矫正可取得较好的临床效果,副作用最小,不失为一种安全、有效的方法,值得推广。


Using implantation of acellular dermal matrix to repair the deformation of eyelids HJJ Ding-Qing, FAN Xian~Qun. Department of Ophthalmology, Ninth People * 5 Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 2000111 China

Abstract Objective To evealuate acellulamal dermal matrix(ADM) grating in eyelid soft tissue depression re- construction. Methods Acelluar dermal matrix(ADM) were grafted into the eyelid sites with concave deformity. All members were followered up for 6 months to 13 months, the average were 8 months. Results We performed such all the implan?tation by using acellular dennal matrix (ADM) grafting. A total of 10 cases showed excellent result. All of the procedure were safe and successful. All eyelid tissure depression were reconstructed for different degress. The case of fullness and symmetry, fullness and pretty symmetry and fullness with little asymmetry were 7,2 and 1, respectively. No infection, rejection or necrosis occured. Conclusion Being Satisfied in correction of deformity eyelid depression, the implantation of acellular dennal matrix is safe and effective with less side-effects and thus are capable of repairing moderate or minimal eye?lid concave deformity. Be worth recommendation.

Key words  Acellular dermal matrix grating ; Eyelid ;Concave deformity ; Repair

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