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发布时间:2018-08-28 10:36:06 来源:知网 浏览次数:1544 
关键词: 泪槽畸形;脱细胞异体真皮基质补片;眶区年轻化
作者: 陈丹洋 吴小蔚 赵相宜 宋海臣 张黎明 周志春

Application of acellular derma lmatrix in tear trough deformity correction

CHEN Dan-yang, WU Xiao~wei ,ZHAO Xiang-yi, SONG Hai-chen, ZHANG Li-ming,

ZHOU Zhi-chun. (Departmmt of Plastic of Plastic Surgery, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan430060,China)

Corresponding author: WU Xiao-wei,E~mail:904949860@qq,com

【Abstract】Objective To explor ethe technique and effectiveness of acellula rdermal matrix allografts in tear trough deformity correction . Methods Totally 26 cases of tear trough deformity were repaired by acellular dermal matrix allografts. Results All patients were followed up for 3 to 12 months. Amongthem , 20 cases of tear trough deformity were completely corrected, 3 cases had obvious improvement, and 3 patients underwent a two-stage operation because of insufficient filling. No rejection or infection occurred. All patients achieved a satisfactory appearance. Conclusion The application of cellular dermal matrix allografts to correct tear trough deformity ofFersalowabsorptionrateaswellasgoodappearanceandsafety.Itpresentsanewchoicefortheteartroughdeformitytreatment.


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