在这里,Zirong Gu和同事发现了在小鼠出生后不久会抑制CS神经元和运动神经元之间连接发育的机制。在只有几天大的小鼠的皮质脊髓束(CST)中发现了一个区域,在该区域内会形成与运动神经元的连接,但是,该形成的连接会发生突触修剪,这是一个失去神经连接的过程。通过选择性地删除受体,研究人员发现了一个名叫PlexA1的特别受体,当它被删除或被抑制时会使得小鼠保留其CST-运动神经的连接,并能使小鼠有更好的灵巧性测试表现。作者指出,在人类发育的早期,在负责CST-运动神经连接的脑层中的PLEXA1的表达是微弱的,但其在小鼠同等的出生后生长期内的表达则不弱;然而,当他们在CST内诱导像人一样的转录时,小鼠在该脑层中会发生与在人类中所见相似的神经生长。作者在猜测这些连接被抑制的原因时提出,手灵巧性增加也许不会给四条腿的动物提供适合的优势,或者它甚至还会给适合性添加负担。
Control of species-dependent cortico-motoneuronal connections underlying manual dexterity
Superior manual dexterity in higher primates emerged together with the appearance of cortico-motoneuronal (CM) connections during the evolution of the mammalian corticospinal (CS) system. Previously thought to be specific to higher primates, we identified transient CM connections in early postnatal mice, which are eventually eliminated by Sema6D-PlexA1 signaling. PlexA1 mutant mice maintain CM connections into adulthood and exhibit superior manual dexterity as compared with that of controls. Last, differing PlexA1 expression in layer 5 of the motor cortex, which is strong in wild-type mice but weak in humans, may be explained by FEZF2-mediated cis-regulatory elements that are found only in higher primates. Thus, species-dependent regulation of PlexA1 expression may have been crucial in the evolution of mammalian CS systems that improved fine motor control in higher primates.