您的位置是:论文中心 -> 口腔科 -> 脱细胞异体真皮组织补片在智齿拔除中的应用
发布时间:2018-08-28 10:10:41 来源:知网 浏览次数:1633 
关键词: 组织补片;智齿;拔除;干槽症;并发症
作者: 白忠诚 施生根 李莉莉 牛忠英 张艳茹

Abstract BACKGROUND: Few reports are found with J-1 acellular dermal matrix to prevent postoperative complications after impacted mandibular third molar extraction.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of acellular dermal matrix embedded in socket after wisdom tooth extraction.

METHODS: 400 patients with impacted mandibular third molar were divided into two groups at random with 200 in each group. In group A, the acellular dermal matrix was embedded in the sockets after wisdom tooth extraction; group B was the blank control. Postoperative complications of the two groups were observed after treatment.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: No acellular dermal matrix lost from wisdom tooth extraction sokets. Blooding after tooth extraction decreased when acellular dermal matrix was embedded in the sokets, hemorrhage incidence rate was lower in group A than in group 巳. Acellular dermal matrix could prevent blood clot lose from sockets, and also can prevent food residual entering into the sockets. Dry socket incidence rate was lower in group A than group 巳.Acellular embedded in the sockets had no effects on swelling incidence rate. Acellular dermal matrix embedded in socket after tooth extraction can prevent dry socket and hemorrhage, but can not prevent swelling.

Bai ZC, Shi SG, Li LL, Niu ZY, Zhang YR.Application of acellular dermal matrix embedded in socket after wisdom tooth extraction. Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu yu Linchuang Kangfu. 2011;15(34): 6457-6460.



方法:将400例阻生智齿拔除患者随机分为2组,实验组智齿拔除后拔牙窝内放置医用组织补片:对照组智齿拔除后不放置 医用组织补片。分别观察拔牙后组织补片脱落率、肿胀发生率、拔牙窝内血凝块存留和食物残渣残留情况、牙龈是否红肿、对拔牙后出血的影响以及干槽症的发生率。



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