您的位置是:论文中心 -> 口腔科 -> 应用异体脱细胞真皮基质重建种植体周围附着牙龈的临床研究
发布时间:2018-08-28 10:15:26 来源:知网 浏览次数:1677 
关键词: 牙种植体;真皮基质;附着牙龈;同种异体移植
作者: 胡秀莲 林野 邱立新 李健慧 邸萍
作者单位: 北京大学口腔医学院。口腔医院种植中心


目的 探讨及评估应用异体脱细胞真皮基质重建种植体周围附着软组织结构的临床效果及组织学特点。

方法 从200546?200641在北京大学口腔医院种植中心接受种植治疗伴附着牙龈缺失的患者9例,接受了异体脱细胞真皮基质的游离移植供26颗种植体区域),其中男性3例,女性6例,年龄为26-69岁(平均43.5岁)。9例患者均已完成修复1年以上(23-30个月)。临床追踪异体脱细胞真皮基质愈合情况。HE染色和Veihoef法VG染色观察移植的异体脱细胞真皮基质的组织学特点。

结果 9例患者中除1例在术后10异体脱细胞真皮基质发生坏死脱落,其余8例均顺利成活。8例在移植术后1年复查见种植体周围均有至少2mm宽的附着牙龈。术后1年时移植的异体脱细胞真皮基质收缩率为627%(51%-80%)。组织学观察提示异体脱细胞真皮基质作为软组织支架真正参与了组织愈合。至最后1次复查,26颗种植体未观察到松动或脱落。

结论 异体脱细胞真皮基质可有效地重建种植体周围附着软组织,近期效果满意,但移植后收缩率较高是其缺点。

Clinical study of using acellular dermalmatric in the reconstruction of gingiva around dental implants Hu Xiulian , Lin Ye , Qiu Lixin ,  LI Jianhui ,  Di Ping, Department of implant Dentistry Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology Beijing 100081 , China

【Abstract】Objective To evaluate the application of acellular demalmatrpc in gingival reconstruction around dental imPlants Methods From June 2005 ID JanuarY2009 patients with inadequate keratinized gingiva undeiwent im Plants treatnent and acellular denial matrix; were also applied in the area Among them 3 were men and 5 were wan The age ranged from 26 169 years old (mean43. 5 ) 26 tnp lan ts were Placed and restore All cases were lollcwed up at leasts montis (23 - 30 mon1hs). Clinica 1 exam ination was conducte  Hatoxylin_eosin staining and V eioeffs van Giesen staining were used for his1oloical evaluation R esu Its Jnmuna rejection was

实用口腔医学杂志 2008 , 24 (4) :540-543

not |bund ex. cept necrosis occurred in case 1 days after operation At least2 mm keratinized gingiva was observed jig cases matrix shrinkage was62. 7% (51% -80% ) 12 mon1hs postoperation The acellular demaimatrpc did lake and n- coiporated 1he gingiva based ihe

hislolgical evaluation Durjig ihe last rechecno jnplant loss was bserved Conclusioij The attached soft tissue was reconstructed by using ihe acellular denialmatrc and 1he short tern conical result was predictable The disadvanl&§e was tie hiSh shrinkage of the acellular demal 

Keyword Daital tnPlaut DemalmatriK Attached gjigiva Alleic tranplantation

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