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发布时间:2018-12-04 15:07:38 来源:知网 浏览次数:1529 
关键词: 疝,腹股沟; 理论; 临床实践; 组织修补术; 疝成型术; 再生医学
作者: 李亮 1洪楚原 2李明哲 1黄建朋 1吴文辉 1张常华 1何裕隆 1
作者单位: 518000 深圳,中山大学附属第七医院消化医学研究院 1;510260 广州医科大学第二附属医院胃
  【摘要】 腹股沟疝的外科治疗是一个古老并不断更新的领域,从近代开始,产生了两大种类的有效手术方式,分别是组织修补术和使用补片的疝修补术,其中补片又分为人工合成的补片和取自生物体的生物补片。随着腹腔镜技术的逐渐推广,腹股沟疝的治疗存在对外科技术的过度重视,而对治疗理论认识不全面的问题,导致腹股沟疝外科的理论体系不完整,手术方式选择和补片选择的不规范,这些问题的解决,需要腹股沟疝外科的理论框架的导向作用,从而深入认识学科发展方向并指导临床实践。
  【关键词】 疝,腹股沟; 理论; 临床实践; 组织修补术; 疝成型术; 再生医学
  Theoretical framework of inguinal hernia surgery and it's significance for clinical practice anddisciplinary development Li Liang1, Hong Chuyuan2, Li Mingzhe1, Huang Jianpeng1, Wu Wenhui1,Zhang Changhua1, He Yulong1. 1Digstive Medicine Institute, The Seventh Hospital Sun Yat-sen University,Shenzhen 518107, China; 2Gastrointestinal Department, The Second Hospital of Guangzhou MedicalUniversity, Guangzhou 510260, China
  Corresponding author: Li Liang, Email: liliang00860@163.com
  【Abstract】 The inguinal hernia surgery is an old and constantly updated surgery field, from
  modern time, 2 types of effective operations had come into being, which is tissue repair and herniorrhaphy with mesh, and the mesh has 2 types, which are synthetic mesh and biological mesh, along with the laparoscopic technique, much attention has been paid to surgery technique, but less attention would be paid to the therapy theory reconigzes, it led to an incomplete inguinal surgery theory recongzes, the selection of operation and the selection of mesh is lack of theory standardization, to solve these problem, a theory frame of inguinal hernia surgery with guiding significance would be called for the deeply understand the discipline direction and direct the clinical practice.
  【Key words】 Inguinal hernia; Theory; Clinical practice; Tissue repair; Herniorrhaphy; Regenerative medicine
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