中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院陈伟良教授等于2021年2月在SCI期刊《J Cosmet Dermatol》(2021 Feb 3.doi:10.1111/jocd.13973)发表了最新研究文章《Use of allograft dermal matrix for repairing large oral epithelial defects:Outcomes of patients with lingual and buccal leukoplakia(脱细胞异体真皮在口腔上皮大面积缺损修复中的应用)》。作者认为,切除大面积舌和颊白斑后,用脱细胞异体真皮修复大面积口腔上皮缺损,这是预防口腔白斑恶性转化的安全可靠的方法;临床医生必须注重一级预防,以降低由可预防原因而引起的癌前疾病的发病率和发生率。
* Large epithelial defect reconstruction using an HADM following resection of wide lingual and buccal OLs was safe and reliable for preventing MT of OL.The recurrence of OL may be related to patient habits such as tobacco smoking or/and drinking alcohol.
* The management of OLs is complex.The transition from normal mucosa to premalignant or dysplastic mucosa,and finally to MT,involves a complex interplay among environmental factors,including exposure to carcinogens(such as betel liquid,tobacco,and alcohol)and HPV,genetic factors,and the host immune system.
* It is therefore imperative that clinicians focus on primary prevention to reduce the prevalence and incidence of premalignant disease resulting from preventable causes.
* It is believed that reconstruction of large epithelial defects with HADM,following resection of wide lingual and buccal OLs,is safe and reliable for preventing MT of OL.
* The recurrence of OLs following resection may be related to the patient's habits,such as tobacco smoking or/and drinking alcohol.